Chronicle Diabetes (CD) FAQ
Q: Does CD integrate with other electronic health record (EHR)?
A: CD is a standalone documentation platform that does not currently integrate with other EHRs.
Q: Is CD HIPAA compliant?
A: CD is designed to meet the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Q: Is there any software I need to download to use CD?
A: CD is a web-based platform so there is no software to download. CD can be accessed from any computer or mobile device as-long-as there is internet access. We recommend using the most recent version of your browser when accessing CD. Chrome and Firefox are the recommended browsers.
Q: Is there a cost associated with using CD?
A: CD is a free benefit to Recognized services and services that plan on applying for Recognition in the future. The only time a service will have a fee involved with CD use is if a service has a special request or need that the ADA staff cannot perform.
Q: Does the ADA require services to use CD in order to maintain Recognition?
A: ADA does not require services to use CD for documentation purposes. CD is a free benefit of Recognition for services to use if they choose to.
Q: If I am already documenting in an EHR do I need to double document in CD?
A: If your current EHR documents everything you need for your DSMES service and Recognition, then there is no need to double document in CD. Services often use CD at minimal capacity if their current EHR does not aggregate their behavioral or participant outcomes. Learn more about CD minimal capacity use here.
Q: My service is planning to apply for Recognition in future. Can I use CD before submitting an application?
A: Yes. Services that plan on applying for Recognition in the future can use CD prior to submitting an original application. A service will need to submit an onboarding form to be setup within the ERP Portal in order to be able to access CD.
Q: What are the benefits of using CD?
A: CD is built to satisfy all ADA requirements for documenting participant information.
CD Capabilities:
- Import data required for ERP Applications and Annual Status Reports
- Document and track the complete patient DSME Cycle
- Track educator hours and patient statistics
- Generate Letters to patients and providers
- Generate reports for the purpose of advertising program outcomes and use for QI projects
Additional Reporting Capabilities:
- Generates aggregate reports by numerous filters which now include provider and insurance type for the purpose of advertising program outcomes to insurers and providers.
- Generates individual participant reports which can include participant demographics as well as initial and most recent behavior objectives and lab data
- Generates the % change in hospital & ER visits post DSMES, both due to diabetes and not due to diabetes