Any entity that provides DSMES is eligible to apply for Recognition of their DSMES service when and as long as it has demonstrated that the education services meet the National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (NSDSMES). Eligibility for ADA Recognition status is only for diabetes education services in the non-acute setting, including Licensed Home Health agencies.
The 2022 National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support are the framework for the 11th Edition ADA Education Recognition application requirements.
a) The education process reflected in the intitial comprehensive DSMES cycle must be established and docuemented for all participants of a DSMES service seeking Recognition and maintained for the full 4- year recognition period:
c) In support of the process and as a main tool for guiding education, the DSMES service must have a evidence based curriculum with the 9 topic areas, with the following elements:
d) DSMES Service Evaluation:
(I) There must be an identified process in place for the DSMES service performance improvement (CQI) based on participant or service delivery or process outcomes.
(II) At least 2 outcomes must be tracked* as a measure of service success:
*The tracking may be done within an EMR or manually in Excel
e) DSMES service identified Reporting Period:
Original Applications: (new services) the reporting period can start up to 6 months prior to the online application submission date and be 1 month up to 6 months in length.
Renewal Applications: The reporting period can start up to 12 months prior to the online application submission date and needs to be a required 12 months in length.
All Applications: There can be no more than 3 months from the end of the reporting period to the date of the online application submission. A minimum of 1 participant must have completed the initial comprehensive DSMES cycle during the specified reporting period at each of the service’s multi-sites.
f) Support Documentation & Payment:
*The support package must be received in the ADA office within 14 calendar days of the date of the online application submission. The support documentation must be uploaded within the online application or faxed to the fax number below. DSMES Service ID number must be the cover page of the documentation submitted when submitting via fax.
Phone: 1-888-232-0822
Fax: 1-703-991-9120
Payment Address:
American Diabetes Association - ERP
Po Box 7023
Merrifield, VA 22116
It is the responsibility of the DSMES service to maintain adherence to the National Standards for Diabetes Self Management Education and Support (DSMES) as outlined by the American Diabetes Association 11th Edition Interpretive Guidance and Checklist all timeduring the 4-year Recognition period.
*Please note that audit dates are non-negotiable and refusal of an audit will result in immediate loss of Recognition. Completion and submission of the on-line application constitutes an agreement to this random audit process.
It is recommended that DSMES services submit renewal applications at least 60 days prior to the current expiration date.
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) is the longest standing of the two Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) DSMT National Accrediting Organizations that I\identifies quality diabetes self-management educationl and support (DSMES) services that meet the National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support. Benefits of ADA Recognition include:
Visit the ADA website –
Visit the Professional ADA Website -
Contact your local ADA office – this can be found on
Call 1-800-Diabetes (1-800-342-2383)
VIII. How can I get information about Medicare regulations?
Information is available on the Education Recognition portion of the ADA website under Resources – Organizations, Publications, and CMS Reimbursement Contacts. Updates to DSMT reimbursement can also be found on the CMS website: