Scientific Sessions

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I submit an abstract?
Regular abstract submission is open from September 30, 2024–January 6, 2025. Late Breaking abstract submission will be open January 27, 2025–March 10, 2025. Visit our Abstracts FAQ for more abstract information.

If my abstract is selected for presentation, will I be required to register for the meeting?
Yes, if your abstract is accepted for presentation, you will be required to register and present in-person at the meeting.

Can I get a scooter or wheelchair to use during the meeting as I need help getting around the Convention Center?
Yes, when you register for the meeting, you can check off that you need special assistance during the meeting and then specify that you require a scooter or wheelchair to get around. You can also complete the Request Form.

Is there a cost to getting a scooter/wheelchair to use?
No, there is no cost, but we do ask for a credit card in case the scooter/wheelchair is damaged or not returned. 

How do I specify that I need an accessible hotel room?
When you reserve your hotel room through ADA Housing you can specify your needs under the list of special requests. This will then be forwarded to the hotel.

How do I specify other requests for special assistance?
When you register for the meeting you can check off that you need special assistance during the meeting and then specify your requirements. You will be contacted by ADA staff to confirm what you need.

When does the 85th Scientific Sessions start and end?
The meeting will begin on Friday, June 20 at 10:30 a.m. CT, and conclude on Monday, June 23 at 4:15 p.m. CT.

What is the proper dress code for the meeting?
Visit the Travel and Transportation page and select the Dress Code section for more information.  

What is the ADA's COVID-19 Policy?
The ADA follows recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and we will comply with all local and state mandates around mask adherence, testing, or vaccine requirements. Currently, there are no restrictions in Chicago. If there are updates to CDC guidelines or local/state mandates, we will notify all attendees of our updated COVID-19 policy.

In what language is the meeting presented?
The meeting will be presented only in English.

Will Wi-Fi be available for attendees in the convention center?
Complimentary Wi-Fi is available throughout the convention center.

Are children allowed at the meeting?
Children under the age of 18, even if paid registrants, will not be permitted access to session rooms, the Exhibit Hall, or the Poster Hall. Exceptions can be made for nursing mothers. For safety reasons, strollers are not allowed.

Does the ADA provide childcare during Scientific Sessions?
ADA does not provide childcare during the Scientific Sessions. If you are interested in securing childcare during your stay, contact the concierge in your hotel for a list of local childcare providers.

Will there be a room for nursing mothers?
The McCormick Place Convention Center has designated nursing mothers’ rooms. 

Will any food or refreshments be available during the Scientific Sessions?
Yes, there are some food and beverage options located in the convention center, and concession stands in the Exhibit Hall of the convention center. Please note, ADA is not always able to choose the type of food that will be served at these outlets/concession stands, provided by the convention center. 

When will registration for the 85th Scientific Sessions Open?
Registration and housing will open January 8.

Who is CMR?
Convention Management Resources, Inc. (CMR) manages the Scientific Sessions hotel reservations and registration on behalf of the American Diabetes Association. Registration and reservations at the negotiated ADA rates can only be made through CMR. ADA does not authorize or endorse any other housing service or independent broker. Neither ADA nor CMR can assist you with reservations issues if you book through another agency.

Are Travel Grants available?
The ADA offers a limited number of travel grants, in the amount of $1,000 (USD), to eligible, early-career investigators whose abstracts are accepted for presentation. Travel Grant applications will be sent through email notification to the Presenting Author of abstracts accepted for presentation in early March 2025. An applicant must be the Presenting Author in order to apply for a travel grant. 

Note: Those who have received a Travel Grant from the ADA within the past two years (2023 or 2024) are not eligible.

Do I have to be an ADA professional member to attend the meeting?
No, you do not. However, you can become an ADA professional member when you register for the meeting to be eligible for the member rates. Please note, if you become a member after you have registered you will not be eligible for the member rates. You must be a member at the time of registration to receive the discount.

How do I renew my ADA professional membership number?
If you do not have your professional membership ID number, please contact our Membership Department at or (800) 232-3472 (U.S. & Canada)/(703)-253-4999 (international) Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. ET. 

How do I renew my ADA professional membership?
You can renew your professional membership when you register for the meeting. 

How long is my ADA professional membership valid?
For one year.

What are the benefits of becoming an ADA professional member when registering for Scientific Sessions?
As an ADA professional member (depending on the membership category), you can save on registration for the meeting.

Contact the following for assistance:

General questions:  

Registration questions: 

Continuing education questions: 

Professional membership questions:

If you have additional questions about the 85th Scientific Sessions, please email