
Interest Groups

The American Diabetes Association's 16 member-only Interest Groups provide a forum for the exchange of information in specific areas of diabetes research and care. With thousands of members, these groups contribute to the Association in valuable ways, and offer a variety of professional development, networking, engagement, and recognition opportunities. Not yet a member? Sign up now to join three Interest Groups!

  • Behavioral Medicine & Psychology
  • Clinical Centers & Programs
  • Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease
  • Diabetes In Primary Care
  • Diabetes In Youth
  • Diabetes Self-Management Education & Support
  • Diabetes Technology
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Eye Health
  • Foot Care
  • Health Care Delivery & Quality Improvement
  • Immunology, Immunogenetics, & Transplantation
  • Islet Biology, Development, & Function
  • Nutritional Science & Metabolism
  • Pregnancy & Reproductive Health
  • Public Health & Epidemiology

Interest Group Leadership Teams

Our current Interest Group Leadership Teams consist of ADA professional members who have demonstrated notable achievements in and dedication toward specific areas of diabetes research and clinical practice. Individuals on these teams provide overall direction to Interest Group members, plan the ADA's Scientific Sessions Interest Group discussions, vote on Interest Group processes, drive member engagement, and recommend content and resources to share with Interest Group members. 

Questions? Email

The Leadership Team Applications are now closed. Thank you to all interested applicants. Applicants will be notified about the status of their application in mid-May 2024.

Interest Group Awards

Our Professional Interest Group Awards, presented by the Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease, Pregnancy & Reproductive Health, Foot Care, and Behavioral Medicine & Psychology Interest Groups, recognize scientists who have made significant impacts in specialized areas of diabetes research and care. Learn more about the awards' criteria, nomination materials, and selection process.

Meet the 2024 Interest Group Award Recipients!