Research & Grants

Resources for Researchers

Tools for Researchers

T1D Exchange

A dynamic, multi-purpose, real-world patient data platform designed to accelerate all aspects of drug and device development. T1D Exchange has established a unique model to speed better treatments, therapies and research for type 1 diabetes (T1D).


A clinical trials network that conducts studies designed to evaluate new approaches to prevent or ameliorate type 1 diabetes. Researchers can submit proposals for clinical trial protocols, request biological samples through its Living Biobank initiative, or submit proposals for ancillary studies that complement the objectives of TrialNet studies.

NIH National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)

The NIH National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information.

NIH Molecular Libraries Program

The Molecular Libraries Roadmap offers biomedical researchers access to the large-scale screening capacity, along with medicinal chemistry and informatics, necessary to identify chemical probes to study the functions of genes, cells, and biochemical pathways. This will lead to new ways to explore the functions of genes and signaling pathways in health and disease.

Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors with Diabetes (nPOD)

The Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors with Diabetes (nPOD) is a collaborative research project that supports diabetes investigators by providing, without cost, rare and difficult to obtain tissues from donors with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Interested researchers are encouraged to apply to obtain nPOD tissues, or to request access to analyze cases in the nPOD Online Pathology site. 

Team Science Toolkit

Developed by the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Science of Team Science (SciTS) team, the Team Science Toolkit is an interactive website where visitors can freely upload and download publicly available resources that support the practice and study of team science. The Toolkit connects professionals from many disciplines, providing a forum for sharing knowledge as well as tools to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of team science initiatives.

Other Resources


ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other investigator across your research career. Through integration in key research workflows, such as manuscript and grant submission, ORCIDs support automated linkages between you and your professional activities.

Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Guides

BWF offers excellent career development and lab management guides for new researchers


myIDP is a web-based career-planning tool tailored to PhD students and postdocs. This free online tool helps scientists identify their short- and long-term career objectives and professional-development needs, and create Individual Development Plans (IDPs) for meeting those goals.

Communicating Science: Tools for Scientists and Engineers

Developed by the AAAS Center for Public Engagement with Science and Technology, this initiative provides science-communication tools to help researchers communicate more broadly with the public. Tools include communication basics, how-to tips for working with reporters, strategies for using online media effectively and more.

Science Careers

Produced by AAAS and the journal Science, Science Careers offers a wide variety of content designed to assist scientists of all disciplines, backgrounds and experience levels navigate their career path. Offerings include a job listings portal, career advice articles, graduate program information, meetings and event details, and a Career Forum where scientists can join a community of experts and peers engaging in real time discussions around career issues.