Journals & Resources


Your Visual Guide to the Standards of Care in Diabetes

Three diabetes infographics

Our infographics cover essential topics in diabetes care, serving as visual aids to simplifying complex concepts into actionable insights. We're committed to empower you and the people you see to ensure optimal health and wellbeing.

We offer both clinical and patient options you can access in our Patient Education Library. Download them now to have these invaluable resources readily accessible whenever you need them.

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Nutrition for life making choices using food labels
Language: English

Food Label Know How 

Learn to make healthy choices by reading food labels.
Nutrition for life diabetes plate method
Language: English

Plan Your Plate

Learn how to use the diabetes plate method to eat better, incorporate more variety, and manage portion size.
nutrition for life sugar substitutes
Language: English

Sugar Substitutes

Learn about what sugar substitutes are, the different types of sweeteners out there, and how they can be used in making healthy food choices.  
Nutrición para la vida: Grupos de alimentos y tamaños de porciones
Language: Spanish

Grupos de Alimentos y Tamaños de las Porciones

Comprenda cómo funcionan juntos los diferentes grupos de alimentos y cuánto comer para alcanzar sus metas de salud.