Chair (senior level): Provide overall direction and leadership to the group; plan Scientific Sessions symposia; plan other group activities e.g., webinars, networking events and conference calls; vote on award nominations; drive engagement on the DiabetesPro Forum; recommend members to participate in ADA activities such as committees and position statements; serve as liaison to ADA staff and members; and promote Interest Group and ADA activities and resources to networks. The Chair rotates to the position of Immediate Past Chair. This position is a two-year term. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours/month.
Chair-Elect (mid-senior level): Support Chair in providing leadership to the group and planning Scientific Sessions symposia; plan other group activities e.g., webinars, networking events and conference calls; vote on award nominations; serve as liaison to ADA staff and members; contribute to DiabetesPro Forum discussions; and promote Interest Group and ADA activities and resources to networks. Chair-Elects will automatically transition to Chair after two years. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours/month.
Communications Director (junior-mid level): Lead group engagement on the DiabetesPro Forum; update community page with relevant articles, webcasts, and other resources; send announcements to group members; work with ADA staff on email communications; and promote Interest Group and ADA activities and resources to networks. This position is a two-year term. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours/week.
Advisors (junior/mid/senior level): Provide expertise and guidance as needed on activities including reviewing award nominations, planning networking events, and monitoring DiabetesPro Forum discussions; serve as liaison to members and ADA staff; and promote Interest Group and ADA activities and resources to networks. This position is a two-year term. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours/month.
Early Career Representative (junior level) Provide early career perspective and guidance on resources needed to support the next generation of diabetes leaders; and promote Interest Group and ADA activities and resources to networks. Individuals must be no more than 5 years post-training completion, which matches the ADA Early Career Membership qualifications. This position is a two-year term. Time commitment: 1–2 hours/month.
Immediate Past Chair (senior level): Provide historical insights and support to Chair and Chair-Elect. This position is a two-year term. Time commmitment: as needed.