The American Diabetes Association’s Professional Compendia provides primary care providers and health care professionals with the most up-to-date information and best practices for treating diabetes and related complications. Each compendium is devoted to a specific topic related to diabetes treatment and prevention. ADA receives funding to produce these compendia through unrestricted educational grants from company sponsors.
ADA’s Scientific & Medical Division identifies and appoints a key opinion leader in the topic area of each compendium to serve as the independent editor of the publication. The editor recruits a panel of experts to serve as authors. The sponsors may recommend potential contributors and topics, but the editor and the authors solely development the content.
Each publication adheres to “good publication practices” and includes the necessary disclosures related to author contributions, guarantorship, potential conflicts of interest, and acknowledgment of funding.
The compendia below are published online at and are also indexed on Bookshelf, the National Library of Medicine’s index for books and monographs.