Journals & Resources


Your Visual Guide to the Standards of Care in Diabetes

Three diabetes infographics

Our infographics cover essential topics in diabetes care, serving as visual aids to simplifying complex concepts into actionable insights. We're committed to empower you and the people you see to ensure optimal health and wellbeing.

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Language: English
Audience: HCP

Gestational Diabetes (GDM) Screening Guidelines—Professional

GDM is diabetes diagnosed in the second or third trimester when an individual did not have diabetes before the pregnancy.
Language: English
Audience: Patient

Gestational Diabetes (GDM) Screening Guidelines—Patient

GDM is diabetes diagnosed in the second or third trimester when an individual did not have diabetes before the pregnancy.
Language: English
Audience: HCP

Gestational Diabetes (GDM) Treatment—Professional

Treatment begins with medical nutrition therapy and physical activity. Insulin, when needed, should be initiated promptly to meet blood glucose goals.
Language: English
Audience: Patient

Gestational Diabetes (GDM) Treatment Guidelines—Patient

Healthy eating and physical activity are the first steps in managing your GDM. You may need insulin to manage your blood glucose (blood sugar).