The National DPP is a lifestyle change program that has been shown to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58% (71% in those 60 and older) for people with prediabetes. In the year-long program, participants have access to trained lifestyle coaches that will introduce lifestyle changes such as better nutrition, regular physical activity, stress management, and avoiding unhealthy triggers—without disrupting their life.
The ADA’s DPA is a collaborative initiative dedicated to the widespread implementation of, access to, and participation in the National DPP. Our goal is to reduce or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes through evidence-based lifestyle change programs.
As part of its commitment to reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes, the ADA provides back bone support to the Diabetes Prevention Alliance, providing technology, infrastructure, resources, and support for the multi-sectoral network of partners aimed to scale and sustain the National DPP.