Kaushik Laxmidas Ramaiya, MD, received his basic medical training at the University of Bombay, India (1981); postgraduate training in internal medicine at the University of Dar es Salaam (1986–1989); and post-masters training in the University of Newcastle in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK (1990–1991). He has been appointed honorary professor of medicine & global health at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in November 2018 and honorary professor at the University College London in April 2023. He is the CEO and consultant physician at Shree Hindu Mandal Hospital in Dar es Salaam.
Kaushik Ramaiya is a member of the board for World Diabetes Foundation and Global NCD Alliance, as well as the honorary general secretary of the Tanzania Diabetes Association and Tanzania NCD Alliance. Additionally, he is the president-elect for East African NCD Alliance and previously served as chairman for IDF Africa (2000–2006) and vice president of IDF Global (2007–2011).