Leading physicians, scientists, and health care professionals from around the world are expected to participate in the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) Scientific Sessions to unveil cutting-edge research, treatment recommendations, and advances toward a cure for diabetes. More than 38 million Americans and nearly 537 million adults worldwide are living with diabetes. The global personal and economic costs are staggering, and addressing this crisis is the core purpose of Scientific Sessions.
The ADA provides complimentary access to the Scientific Sessions to credentialed members of the media, including print, broadcast, and online media for the express purpose of gathering news and information to produce original news articles about research presented at Scientific Sessions. Media representatives welcome to attend include bloggers, reporters, writers, photographers, and videographers.
News organizations seeking media credentials must be members of the editorial staff, and media registration is limited to a maximum of three individuals per outlet/news organization for in-person attendance. Additional journalists may register for on-demand access to Scientific Sessions. Please note on-demand access will not open until Wednesday, June 25, 2025, after Scientific Sessions concludes.
The registration process requires media representatives to provide the ADA’s media relations team with information including:
- The type of organization seeking to register
- Contact information of registrants
- Valid press credentials
- A letter of assignment from a qualified news organization, if applicable; and
- Either previous coverage of the Scientific Sessions or examples of recent coverage of diabetes research, care, and prevention.
- Additional credentials may be required for certain media outlets.
Applications for press access for the ADA’s 85th Scientific Sessions are now open. Please read the media guidelines prior to submitting an application. NOTE: Completing the application does NOT register you for the meeting. If approved, you will receive registration instructions in your acceptance letter. In-person press registration includes access to all sessions during the four-day meeting and on-demand access after the meeting dates.
If you have any questions, please contact SciSessionsPress@diabetes.org.
For additional information, visit the ADA Newsroom.