
Interest Group Leadership Teams

2024–2025 Interest Group Leadership Teams

The American Diabetes Association is pleased to announce 16 Interest Group Leadership Teams. These Leadership Teams consist of ADA professional members who have demonstrated notable achievements in and dedication toward specific areas of diabetes research and clinical practice. Individuals on these teams will provide overall direction to Interest Group members, plan the ADA's Scientific Sessions Interest Group discussions, vote on Interest Group processes, drive member engagement, and recommend content and resources to share with Interest Group members. 

Role Descriptions

The roles on the Interest Group Leadership Teams vary in level of seniority and anticipated time commitment. Members who have previously served on an Interest Group Leadership Team are welcome to reapply during the application cycle (January–February). Individuals who are employed by industry are not eligible to serve as chair-elect or chair, due to continuing education accreditation policies.

  • Chair (senior level): Provide overall direction and leadership to the group; plan Scientific Sessions symposia; plan other group activities e.g., webinars, networking events and conference calls; vote on award nominations; drive engagement on the DiabetesPro Forum; recommend members to participate in ADA activities such as committees and position statements; serve as liaison to ADA staff and members; and promote Interest Group and ADA activities and resources to networks. The Chair rotates to the position of Immediate Past Chair. This position is a two-year term. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours/month.
  • Chair-Elect (mid-senior level): Support Chair in providing leadership to the group and planning Scientific Sessions symposia; plan other group activities e.g., webinars, networking events and conference calls; vote on award nominations; serve as liaison to ADA staff and members; contribute to DiabetesPro Forum discussions; and promote Interest Group and ADA activities and resources to networks. Chair-Elects will automatically transition to Chair after two years. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours/month.
  • Communications Director (junior-mid level): Lead group engagement on the DiabetesPro Forum; update community page with relevant articles, webcasts, and other resources; send announcements to group members; work with ADA staff on email communications; and promote Interest Group and ADA activities and resources to networks. This position is a two-year term. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours/week.
  • Advisors (junior/mid/senior level): Provide expertise and guidance as needed on activities including reviewing award nominations, planning networking events, and monitoring DiabetesPro Forum discussions; serve as liaison to members and ADA staff; and promote Interest Group and ADA activities and resources to networks. This position is a two-year term. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours/month.
  • Early Career Representative (junior level) Provide early career perspective and guidance on resources needed to support the next generation of diabetes leaders; and promote Interest Group and ADA activities and resources to networks. Individuals must be no more than 5 years post-training completion, which matches the ADA Early Career Membership qualifications. This position is a two-year term. Time commitment: 1–2 hours/month.
  • Immediate Past Chair (senior level): Provide historical insights and support to Chair and Chair-Elect​. This position is a two-year term. Time commmitment: as needed.

Behavioral Medicine & Psychology

Chair: Marisa Hilliard, PhD 
Chair-Elect: Gretchen Piatt, MPH, PhD 
Communications Director: Jaclynn Hawkins, PhD, MSW 
Advisor: David Grayson Marrero, PhD 
Advisor: Nicole Bereolos, PhD, MPH, CPH, MSCP, CDCES, FADCES 
Early Career Representative: Jennalee Wooldridge, PhD, CDCES 
Immediate Past Chair: Carla Miller, PhD, RD

Clinical Centers & Programs

Chair: Nuzhat Chalisa, MD, FACE, DABOM 
Chair-Elect: Joseph Aloi, MD 
Communications Director: Nay Linn Aung, MD, BC-ADM, DACD 
Advisor: Jennifer Wyckoff, MD  
Advisor: Chinenye Usoh, MD  
Early Career Representative: Klara Klein, MD, PhD 
Immediate Past Chair: Ali Rizvi, MD 

Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease

Chair: Richard Pratley, MD
Chair-Elect: Dr. Wen-Chih (Hank) Wu, MD, MPH
Communications Director: Umaira Aziz, MRCP, MSc, Mbbs
Advisor: Aimee Katona, BS, CCRP, ACSM-CEP 
Advisor: Rashika Bansal, MD, DABOM
Early Career Representative: Layla Abushamat, MD, MPH, DABOM
Immediate Past Chair: Tracey H. Taveira, PharmD, CDOE, CVDOE

Diabetes In Primary Care

Chair: Christopher Jones, MD 
Chair-Elect: Azita Zaer, PharmD, MS, APh 
Communications Director:  Sarah Cote, NP-C, CDCES, BC-ADM
Advisor: Connie Garcia, PharmD, MSP, CPh 
Advisor: Catherine Price, MD, ECNU, FACE
Early Career Representative: Rong Mei Zhang, MD
Immediate Past Chair: Rozalina McCoy, MD, MS

Diabetes In Youth

Chair: Heba M. Ismail, MB BCh, MSc, PhD
Chair-Elect: Samar Hafida, MD
Communications Director: Shylaja Srinivasan, MD, MAS 
Advisor: Laura Nally, MD 
Advisor: Jennifer Todd, MD
Early Career Representative: Christine March, MD, MS
Immediate Past Chair: Stuart Weinzimer, MD

Diabetes Self-Management Education & Support 

Chair: Joyce Y. Lee, PharmD, APh, FCCP, BCPS, BCACP, CDCES
Chair-Elect: Chlodys Johnstone, PA-C, CDCES
Communications Director: Jennifer Saddanathan, PharmD, BCACP, CDCES
Advisor: Jennifer D'Souza, PharmD, MSEd, CDCES, BC-ADM
Early Career Representative: Madalyn Vasquez, MS, RDN, CDCES, CPT
Immediate Past Chair: Michelle Stancil, MS, BSN, RN, CDCES

Diabetes Technology

Chair: Viral N. Shah, MD
Chair-Elect: Paige Johnson, BSN, RN, CDCES
Communications Director: David Ahn, MD  
Advisor: Yaguang Zheng, PhD, RN 
Advisor: Anyanate Gwendolyne Jack, MD, MPH
Early Career Representative: Andrew A. Welch, DO

Exercise Physiology 

Chair: Michael B. See, MS, ACSM-CEP, CDCES, NBC-HWC
Chair-Elect: Steven Malin, PhD, FACSM 
Communications Director: Roberto Ivan Mota Alvidrez, MD, MS, FAHA
Advisor: Sam Scott, BSc, MSc, PhD
Advisor: Ryan Russell, PhD 
Early Career Representative: Maria Vamvini, MD
Immediate Past Chair: Lisa Chow, MD, MS

Eye Health

Chair: Blake Cooper, MD, MPH
Chair-Elect: Thomas Gardner, MD, MS
Communications Director: Ron Adelman, MD, MPH, MBA 
Advisor: Risa Wolf, MD
Advisor: Nathan Isaacson, OD
Early Career Representative: Zohyra Zabala, MD

Foot Care

Chair: Laura Shin, DPM, PhD
Chair-Elect: Larry Lavery, DPM, MPH
Communications Director: Danny Phan, DPM, MBA, MPH, MS, FACPM, FASPS, FFPM RCPS (Glasg)
Advisor: Kanika Kochhar, DPM, DABPM, FAPWCA, MA
Advisor: Peter Crisologo, DPM 
Early Career Representative: Chia-Ding (JD) Shih, DPM, MPH, MA
Immediate Past Chair: Shelley Gath, DPM

Health Care Delivery & Quality Improvement

Chair: Rajesh Garg, MD
Chair-Elect: Stephen Clement, MD, CDE
Communications Director: Clipper Young, PharmD, MPH, BC-ADM, CDCES, BCGP, APh 
Advisor: Daniel Rubin, MD, MSc, FACE 
Advisor: Julie Gettings, PhD
Early Career Representative: Estelle Everett, MD, MHS
Immediate Past Chair: Mary Rhee, MD, MSc

Immunology, Immunogenetics, & Transplantation

Chair: Brian T. Fife, PhD
Chair-Elect: Maria Bettini, PhD
Advisor: Eddie A. James, PhD
Early Career Representative: Thomas Delong, PhD
Immediate Past Chair: Todd Brusko, PhD

Islet Biology, Development, & Function

Chair: E. Danielle Dean, PhD 
Chair-Elect: Hongjun Wang, PhD 
Communications Director: Nikki Farnsworth, PhD
Advisor: Balamurugan N. Appakalai, PhD 
Advisor: Katie C. Coate, PhD 
Early Career Representative: Rachel Reinert, MD, PhD
Immediate Past Chair: Jeffery Tessem, PhD

Nutritional Science & Metabolism

Chair: Zhenqi Liu, MD 
Chair-Elect: Janice MacLeod, MA, RD, CDCES, FADCES 
Communications Director: Gowtham Annarapu, PhD
Advisor: Catherine McManus, PhD, RDN, LD
Advisor: Daria Igudesman, PhD, MS, RD 
Early Career Representative: Daisy Duan, MD
Immediate Past Chair: Ranee Chatterjee, MD, MPH 

Pregnancy & Reproductive Health

Chair: Cassandra E. Henderson, MD, MSc, CDCES 
Chair-Elect: Amy Valent, DO, MCR 
Communications Director: Laura Dickens, MD 
Advisor: Ashley Battarbee, MD, MSCR 
Advisor: Christina Scifres, MD 
Early Career Representative: Grenye O'Malley, MD
Immediate Past Chair: Camille Powe, MD

Public Health & Epidemiology

Chair: Julie Paik, MD, ScD, MPH
Chair-Elect: Amit Gupta, MBBS, DNB, FACE, FRCP, FACP 
Communications Director: Mahira Saiyed, MPH 
Advisor: Margaret Zupa, MD, MS 
Advisor: Serena Jingchuan Guo, MD, PhD
Early Career Representative: Mary Ellen Vajravelu, MD, MSHP
Immediate Past Chair: Noël Barengo, MD, PhD, MPH