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Are you at risk for type 2 in French
Language: French

Are You at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes?—French

The Diabetes Risk Test requires users to answer simple questions about weight, age, family history and other potential risk factors for diabetes. Their results are reported as a numerical score
Diabtes and Kidney Disease
Language: English

Diabetes and Kidney Disease

Describes kidney function, how diabetes affects the kidneys, what happens once they are damaged, and how to find out if you're having problems.
Plan de atencion medica de la diabetes (DMMP)
Language: Spanish

Diabetes Medical Management Plan Template—Spanish

A DMMP template that can be customized for every student.
Diabetes Symptoms in Haitian Creole
Language: Haitian Creole

Diabetes Symptoms—Haitian Creole

Symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes and a brief description of what causes those symptoms.